
The crossing is complete in 11 hours and 39 minutes
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Monday, August 2, 2010

We have crossed the English Channel

We crossed the channel today in 11 hours and 39 minutes.:) We are all very excited and exhausted. I will update the blog tomorrow with pictures and stories from our big day.
Thanks everyone for all your support.


  1. Under twelve hours. Good going everybody!

  2. Congratulations!! What a swim, starting in the night!! I bet the sunrise was a welcomed sight though!! Cant wait to hear details


  3. Congratulations. What an accomplishment. So glad it worked out after last year's waiting game and then no go.

  4. YAHOO!! We followed the boat - very exciting.
    Mary Jo

  5. Fantastic! What an accomplishment!

  6. Congrats guys!! Great time & great accomplishment.

  7. Shelle,

    Congratulations to you and your team!

    We look forward to hearing about your harrowing experiences. If there were no 40 foot waves, great white sharks, schools of jelly fish or a wayward Russian submarine in your paths you need to make up something to regale us at the wedding!

    We hope Greg did not fall out of the boat.

    See you in September and most sincere and heart felt congratulations from your soon to be godfather/uncle and aunt -in law.

    Art and Kathleen

  8. Shelle and fellow Doggers,
    Huge Congratulations on your AMAZZZZING accomplishment!
    That definitely tops the Shark Week premier. Can’t wait to see the pics and blog update…

    Cheers Donna

  9. Shelle,
    You & your team are rockstars! I'm so impressed, as always :-) Can't wait to hear the details of how it feels to be one who made it and in fantastic time! I'm sure Greg is a super cheer man. Hopefully none of you were too sea sick. Get home safe so we can celebrate your life together! Your future sister-out-law, Theresa
